Route through the Medieval Castles of Alicante

The route starts in Alicante and continues through Castalla and Onil, Biar, Villena, Sax, Petrer and Elda, and finally Novelda, to return back to Alicante. There are not many kilometers, about 140 km in total, but there are many stops so it will take all day. Discover that Alicante is more than sun and beach.

Castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante

The Castle of Santa Bárbara is on Mount Benacantil in the middle of the city of Alicante. It is 166 meters high so when you are up you can see the whole city of Alicante and the bay. This castle is from the 9th century and was built by the Muslims. In the thirteenth century was conquered by the Infante Alfonso de Castilla, on December 4, 1248, the day of Santa Barbara. Hence the name of the Castle. It underwent a major reform in the sixteenth century and was also used in some conflicts and confrontations. Entering is free.

Fortress Palace of Marqués de dos Aguas in Onil

This palace was begun to built in the 15th century and finished in the 16th century. It is a building with four towers and a quadrangular floor. Inside, the cloister is very beautiful.

Castle of Castalla

Castalla Castle is also of Muslim origin, from the 11th century. It has suffered multiple reforms between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. Castalla is a town where you can spend a full day. In Castalla you can count on the advice of its tourist office to explore its urban routes that allow you to know its old town and its most unique buildings.

Castle of Biar

The castle of Biar, from the 12th century, is of Muslim origin and has been declared a national monument. It is located on a rocky hill that emerges from the center of town. Also in Biar there is a sanctuary from which the view is spectacular as you can see.

Castle of the Atalaya of Villena

The Atalaya Castle in Villena is one of the characteristic elements of this city. It was declared a historical and artistic monument and is currently declared as an Asset of Cultural Interest. Its origin is of the XII Century and of course, Muslim. With the passage of time the marquisate of Villena was created and this castle was its nerve center. This castle can be visited and has a visitor center where you can buy tickets.

Castle of Sax

Sax is next to a sharp rocky crag on whose summit is the castle of Sax. This castle is from the 12th century and of Muslim origin. In Sax you have multiple routes and places to know. The historical center of Sax that is of Arab origin and the hermitage of San Blas that in it is. You can also visit the Santa Eulalia Colony. The castle can be visited every Sunday at 10:30 am if the weather permits.

Castle of Petrer and cave-houses

Built in the Muslim era in the twelfth century and remodeled in the Christian era and is a National Historic-Artistic Site since 1983. It can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday at different times. The cave houses of Petrer are originally from the early twentieth century. During this time the parish gave land surrounding the castle to the most needy families of Petrer.

Castle of Elda

Elda Castle is declared an Asset of Cultural Interest. It is not in very good condition and is not visitable. The Castle is of Muslim origin from the 12th century and underwent several renovations. It is also an archaeological site.

Castle of la Mola and Sanctuary of the Magdalena in Novelda

The Castle of la Mola and the Sanctuary are located on the outskirts of Novelda on top of a hill. It is of Islamic origin and was built in the twelfth century. You can enter for free as in the sanctuary. The sanctuary was built at the beginning of the 20th century.

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